Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Shania Twain, Marry Me!

MTV hasn't been on the map since whenever they stopped actually playing videos (which was what 1989?). Well, they finally did something right in the 20 years since they stopped being cool! They launched their own YouTube like service that actually allows you to watch music videos on demand.

I've spent the majority part of the day watching old favorites, but have to admit, part of the fun was a game I invented. Because it's a new service, the view counts on the videos are kind of low. After checking out some of my all-time favorites, I thought it would be fun to find a video where I was the first person to view it. So, the search began. I was surprised, when even some of my obscure music even had 6 views already. Almost ready to give up, I thought about my dream girl, Shania Twain. Surely, she'd have some views, but I went to my favorite video (not song) of hers and low and behold the view count was empty! So, Shania, if you are out there, I want you to know your number one fan viewed you first...and yes I will still marry you!

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