Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Created a Monster

Monster in the Mirror

Okay, so I didn't create, I found it, I think it should still count. This is my new pet, Mani (after a lengthy discussion Mani was decided as the female version of Manny). I found her laying on the ground getting pelted with hail and almost frozen to death while walking between buildings during work. Personally, I think work really would be more fun with a pet preying mantis, but my boss told me if Mani flies and lands on him, he'd kill me, so Mani has come home with me. After some much needed heat, Mani seems fine and in good spirits.

No expense is too much for our pets, so Becca spent fifty-five cents on four crickets to provide some entertainment for us. Oh did I say entertainment, I meant much needed dinner for Mani. It was a tense couple of minutes, not knowing if this experiment would work, but in the end Mani locked on to her target, aimed, and fired a death grip onto a very unlucky cricket. She then proceeded to eat the whole cricket in a matter of minutes. It really was quite amazing.

She has proven to be a very fun monster for this Halloween season. I'm hoping to get some more use out of my macro lens and this seems like a perfect opportunity to use it. Who knew mother nature could be so fun! Can you see those death spikes on Mani's arms? Oh and the way she used her lightning fast reflexes to impale that cricket, then proceeded to devourer it while it was still alive ( I'm sure screaming in it's little cricket voice), like any movie can create that level of goory detail! Oh wait, maybe I'm the monster......nahhh!

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