Thursday, October 23, 2008

Never, Return to the Crime Scene!

What kind of animal is this?

Here are the tracks. I did the unthinkable. I returned the scene of the crime. Hopeful, to repeat the great sunset of few nights ago, I returned to South Haven for another sunset. I should have know better. Sure enough, last night's sunset was blah!

The Nonset

The sun got behind those clouds and I was once again taught a valuable lesson. Just because it's good once, doesn't mean a damn thing. Photography is amazingly frustrating at times. Two sunsets within days of each other giving two extremely different results, one great, the other, hardly better then a bad Jim Carey movie.

The night wasn't a complete loss though (and I laugh because this entry is going to have more pictures then words), Becca and I rode a few miles on the Kal-Haven trail hoping for some fall colors. We didn't do great, I think best colors have already passed, but I did like this:

Trail Leaf

Then, I got this shot I titled "Road Kill":

Road Kill

That's dedication if I ever saw it! I'm glad no cars came, not because of her safety, but I'm really not sure if I was ready to deal with the dilemma of choosing to warn her....or keep quiet and get the action shot of a car flattening her!

Hmmmm, what was I saying about returning to the scene of the crime?!

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