Saturday, April 16, 2011

Week 20 - Redemption, Kind Of

Fresh off the set backs from the previous week, I was nervous heading into this week. Doing 20 miles for week 20 seemed fitting though. My partner was back in commission and the course for this week's run is almost the exact course the Marathon will be. I was excited about that.

CT had high hopes of doing 22 this week. Going from 16 to 22 seemed like too big of a jump for me. She has the ability to talk me into doing crazy things, but with how last week ended for me, I was hoping to only do 20. Don't tell her, but I pretended I was all about going 22, meanwhile hoping she'd get tired and throw in the towel at 20. I wanted to stick with nine minute miles and keep the run easy.

It was a good run, though at mile 18 I remember trying to use the Jedi mind trick to will the last water station. There was a long stretch on a wooden bridge and I remember it feeling like end of the bridge kept moving away from me.

CT did seem happy calling it a day at 20 miles. I acted disappointed, but secretly I was jumping up and down. We waited in the gym for our Superstar teammates to get back. Ultimately, I was very happy with the run. We were spot on for nine minute miles, I didn't have any aches or pains and my calves weren't on fire like last week. CT was happy with herself for being able to make a big jump in her mileage. Our success was short lived as two of our Superstar friend came in gleaming if that's possible. If it was possible, you could see the neon sign above their heads saying we did 22 miles.

Superstar #2 asks us "So, how far did you guys go?"

CT responds with "20".

Superstar #2 comes back with "You guys ONLY did 20"

I honestly don't know if the punctuation on that quote should be a question mark or a exclamation! My my, aren't we full of ourselves? Superstar #2 certainly didn't mean it the way, but it cracked us all up and has been the topic of many conversations this week.

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