Friday, May 16, 2008

Maui Adventure

I can honestly say I'm not cut out to be a videographer. After watching the video from my Maui trip, I have a new found respect for anybody who does underwater video. Mine is horrible! I always have a problem with video on land to begin with. My poor sense of timing is my major flaw (I know it, and I still can't prevent it), I don't stay focused on the subject long enough. Add water, buoyancy of the camera, and waves and my video looks like it came from somebody who had their video camera on by mistake.

With all that said, that makes this clip even more amazing. Honolua Bay turned into an amazing snorkeling spot! The bay itself is almost like a horseshoe, coral on both sides, black sand on the beach and a white sand bottom in the middle. The marine life is outstanding. On our first visit, Becca spotted an octopus and that was the highlight of the trip, up until our second trip. On our second trip, I ended up face to face with a barracuda, swam with a school of squid, and accomplished our vacation dream of swimming with a sea turtle. Now, my sea turtle swim was probably my favorite, but I had a very cool 3 minutes just before that happened.

Whitemouth Eel

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tail, I rounded the coral formation as fast as I could, to be treated to a whitemouth moray eel. It settled down, then all of a sudden a number of fish showed up right in front of it's mouth. I thought for sure I was going to witness the eel having lunch. Turned out he had other ideas and decided to find a new place to hunt and ended up swimming directly under me (sorry for the awkward flailing). I followed him for a couple of minutes and it turned into a very memorable experience. The video isn't great, but considering how bad I am at it, I think it came out decent.

I call it Encounter. This is linked off of SkyDrive, so we'll see how this works. This one is much better quality then the YouTube one, but of course it's bigger.

Here's the YouTube version (only do this one if you have to, because the quality is so horrible): Encounter

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