Monday, May 19, 2008

"It's not a tumor"

Bum Knee

Besides the pictures, the memories, and the extra pounds from the desserts, I also brought back something else from Maui, a bum knee (can you guess which one from the picture?!). I wish I could stay that I got it by cliff diving, a jellyfish stung me, or some other cool story, but I have no idea what caused it. After struggling with it for the past month, I finally decided to it was time to get it checked out by a professional. It's not getting any better and I would actually like to do some physical things this summer. Plus I have the motto that whatever trouble is out there lurking in the shadows, it's going to find the slowest of the group first. Well, right now that's me and I don't like that!

Tomorrow, it's off to get an MRI and hopefully to the bottom of the problem!

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