Saturday, December 10, 2011

Round 2

Has it been a year already? Don't look now, but it has. Today, was the first day of Run Camp. It doesn't seem like it's been that long, so much has changed though. Will it be the same, will it be easier, why am I doing this again? Too late now, time to do it again.

Last year, compared to this year already feels different. The unknown has vanished. That is what I remember most about going into each week, never knowing if I could do it. Each week felt like a major accomplishment. Already as I stood waiting for the run to official start, I knew I could go the distance. Sure, that's good for confidence I suppose, but I wonder if motivation will suffer this year.

As far as camp, it already seems to operate the same. I admit, I was hoping that some of the areas that seemed lacking would be fixed. Did I fill out my comment card last year? Was there even one? Though I feel bad for other campers, I guess I can't complain too much seeing how last year the same problems were there and it ended up being the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I missed my run partner this week (it's probably fitting because I didn't meet her until the second week). The run itself reminded me of why I love running though. The air was so crisp, the sun was out, the roads were a little slick in spots, but that only makes me feel that much more in tune with my legs and the road. Perfect running conditions.

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