Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 6 - Still Here

The Superstars

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, right? That's going to be the theme for this week. My knee has been bothering me and I have to say it's behavior is kind of strange. It's been giving me more trouble when not running than when I do run. I'm starting to wonder if it enjoys running as much as I do and it's secretly having a temper tantrum when I use it only for walking. CT's hip is still giving her trouble, at least that's what she says. I've got a new theory on that too, I think she's attempting to trick me into thinking she's injured and she's really planning to leave me in the dust come marathon time. She complains about it, even spoke with a couple of the doctors at Run Camp about it and got some information, but between you and me, I know this is nothing more than a snow-storm, because she's not getting any slower!

Speaking of snow storms, that's what this week's run was in. Go to bed Friday night with bare roads and thought it's going to be awesome to run with good footing tomorrow only to up the garage door up and find two inches of new snow on the ground. So much for that idea. It truly was a miserable run, not only were the roads a mess, it was still coming down the whole time we were running and to top it off the whole way back seemed to be going against the wind. Ended the day doing 12 miles, in those conditions it really felt like 24!

I'm at roughly 590 miles running since I started in May. Lots of miles have been on trails, but there's also a big chunk of miles that I've done on the road. This week marked a first, a car actually tried to hit us this week. I'm constantly on the lookout for the drivers who aren't paying attention. Almost every car it's fairly obvious if they see me based on how they react. The cars that I don't see that reaction, immediately become threats and I become much more aware of making sure I have an escape route. The car today, was in that danger zone, then I watched him actually angle so he'd get even closer to us. It would be one thing if it was only me by myself, but in this case CT and one other person from our group was with me. It was no accident, which was also confirmed at the next water station when we found another guy in our group almost got hit by the same car. I don't understand that behavior, I hope karma has something special lined up for that jackass. (Karma, if you are out there and need ideas, come find me...I've got a few for ya)

Maybe it's snow on the top of my head, maybe it's gray hair from my close call. Either way, I'm thankful to be back and thankful nothing happened to my friends! (I had a secret goal of making it all the way through Run Camp without a single picture taken of me, but my white top proved too popular to keep the streak intact.)

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