Wednesday, July 28, 2010



What is GFR? Here's a hint, it's not Good Foot Refreshment! This was some very cold water off of Mackinaw Island and it was refreshing, but the GFR I'm talking about is called Good Form Running. I suppose it could also stand for Good Free Running-advice, because that's what it ended up being.

This summer is coming dangerously close to the end and I'm slightly embarrassed how few places I frequent. There's the gym, I know I'm hanging out there much too often because the instructors are getting dangerously close to knowing me by name and though not quite at that point yet, they are learning it's fun to give me a tough time and that's dangerous (for me). Next, is the dive shop. There, they definitely know my name and I swear they make the cha-ching sound when I walk through the door. There's the trail I've been getting ready for my 5K on. We are not on speaking terms yet, but that my have to do with I usually give it the finger as I drive off frustrated. Lastly, is my new hang out, Gazelle Sports.

Gazelle Sports puts on a free clinic called Good Form Running (GFR) that I decided to check out tonight. Make no mistake about it, I've already decided a marathon runner I am not, but I am curious to know how I should be running to prevent injuries and overall what form I should have. You know, if you can't be good, at least look good that's my motto. They started out by having us run our normal pace a short distance. Then it got a little weird and they asked us to do the same thing but this time barefoot. This is the point that little voice and says "This is why it's free, they are going to steal your shoes!"

In the end, they didn't steal my shoes, maybe some dignity, but that's it. What they ended up doing is video taping our runs. Then they brought us inside to explain what Good Form Running is. After a brief explanation of the concepts, then it was analysis of our form in painstakingly slow-motion, high definition quality making sure to point out every instance of how we broke any of the rules of Good Form Running. (As a note to anybody who reads this, this might be a slight exaggeration, not to scare you off. I may have added a little extra drama)

The most interesting thing is after getting critiqued then the video started of us running barefoot and magically most of the flaws were gone. Does this mean throw out all your shoes, revolt, resort to ape like behavior? Probably not. Though, admit it, throwing your own poop would be fun! Did I just say that? Ahhh, who reads this anyway? But it's interesting how shoes have changed our natural running style, not for the better, but actually for the worse. I admit it, I like being shocked and I for one never gave much thought to how shoes over the years have added this huge padded heel. Anyway, the concepts are very interesting and definitely worth checking out if you have any interest in running.

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