Monday, March 8, 2010

46 Degrees, Time to Ski


Remember how I posted how much skiing I was going to do this season? Well, that really didn't happen. Now, I could make all kinds of excuses to why that didn't happen, but lets face it, if I'm too lazy to ski, do you really think I'm going to spend time typing? The reality of the situation is I'm getting older and even though I'm awesome on skis, I chickened out with my vacation getting closer. Granted, I could have fun sitting on a beach in a cast, but I'd rather be diving and I doubt they make dive rated casts. Though I'm disappointed I didn't get more skiing in, what really pains me is the stack of unused free passes I have.

It was setup for a gorgeous week of weather and I knew it was now or never to use some of those free passes. I grabbed my ski buddy and off we went after work. The skiing wasn't the greatest, but the price was right! The lines were pretty good too, as in none, just how we like it! There were only a handful of people on the slopes and even though it felt like skiing on a giant Slushy, it was better then I expected. Since this was only my third time out this season, I decided not to break out the shorts....but I was tempted.

Very glad we got this last chance in. Turns out they closed on the 10th, may I interest you in buying a few free passes?

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