Thursday, July 23, 2009

Get out of Jail Free Card

Kiva - loans that change lives

In my internet travels, I found the site I can't even remember how I stumbled on it, but the concept intrigued me enough that I had to give it a try. The object is helping people. Okay, now I really know what you are thinking, "how on earth did Ace find this site?". Seriously, I don't know, the point is I found it and that's all that matters! The concept is donating a small amount to somebody, typically in a third world nation, to help fund a business venture. I consider it a donation, but if all goes well, the individual who asked for the loan, plays it back and ultimately the money you gave for the loan comes back to you. So, in a perfect world, it's loan and not a donation where it's possible for the same money to be used to help people over and over again.

I picked four individuals who I thought were worthy of my funding, actually one looks like a small village, but I'll pretend it's only one person. Hopefully, the small loan I made will help make their business dreams come true or at the very least makes their lives a little better. Now, don't think for a second that I have a big heart, there's always evil plotting with everything I do. This is really just my master plan for the day I stand before a judge, my defense lawyer can use to show my high moral character!

Here's a link to track my loan progress

The internet never ceases to amaze me.

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