Friday, June 12, 2009


Silver Lighter

The one year anniversary of my dive certification must be silver. My gift, this silver lighter found in Eagle Lake in Decatur. I'm very happy with the colors of the treasures I'm finding this year, the value not so much. I suppose I shouldn't complain, after all I'm coming up muck free.

Somebody really needs to mow Eagle Lake! The weed bed is incredible. It's not like I have tons of diving experience yet, but it's growth was so thick, it did remind me of my time spent in Nam. Even at fifteen feet below the surface, the weeds went all the way to the surface. It made for a challenging swim out to deeper water and once there, we both looked like swamp monsters and spent some time deweeding ourselves.

For the amount of weeds, I would have guessed many fish, but we really didn't see any. Next time, I'm going to bring my machete! We did have some fun trying to pull a boat anchor off the bottom, but only accomplished pulling ourselves in the muck. We also decided that we are not sure what the local divers are doing, we were the first divers in the water and were also the last ones out of the water! Either we are awesome with our air consumption or we still have too much fun underwater even when there's nothing exciting around. I'm guessing the latter.

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