Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day


This was my first official Earth Day experience. I try not to be a total inconsiderate bastard to future generations by trying to be green. The key word is trying, so I have five computers running at the same time all the time! Figured since I'm a little naughty with excess power consumption, I would at least do my part and help do some clean up of the environment. I suppose if I mention that this clean up project was underwater and would allow me to get this year's first lake dive in, it wouldn't be looked at as a shallow excuse to get some diving in as my real motivation, would it?

The air temps were only in the 50's, the min water temp was only in the 40's, but it was great to say I dove in Michigan in April! The dive site was a lake called Pretty Lake in Texas Corners. It was pretty before started, but it's even prettier now. I think I'm in love with my semi-dry suit. Even in that cold water, it really didn't even feel cold. The only extremities that felt cold were my feet and I blame that on the only boots I have are for warm water diving. Out of the four other divers that joined us, all of them had dry suits, and just proved how tough we are.

I was actually surprised with the amount of junk we found, a pair of goggles, water bottle, tons of hair ties, socks, what seemed like a half roll of duct tape (that felt like I was wrestling an anaconda) and various other junk. The majority of the dive and junk finding took place at eight to nine feet, not exactly real diving. Once I felt like we did our good dead, then it was lets head out and explore a little. We did see some good sized perch (though they could have been bass), but the highlight of the dive was finding on old wooden row boat! It was sweet! It was sunk in the muck, about twenty six feet under, and looked like it had been there forever. The sunlight was setting, yet it almost perfectly illuminated it and the green plant life growing around it. Becca and I did our now almost standard underwater high five signaling we found the highlight of the dive and I know I even did an underwater boogie (which I hope she didn't see). To make our discovery even more special, we were the only ones who found it and even the camp workers didn't seem to know it was out there.

So this Earth Day experience will always be remembered for finding a boat!

Look...No ice and our lips aren't even blue!

Here we are post-dive and our lips aren't even blue!

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