Sunday, February 1, 2009

If I Get Kidnapped...

Where am I?

Last year, I was totally amazed at the ability to geotag a photo with it's exact location where it was taken. This year, it's an improvement on that concept, how about not only tagging the photo but doing it in real time? It's now possible to not only take a picture of my favorite beach on Maui, with my exact location, add any thoughts associated with that photo, then post it for the world (make that the three people who are interested in me) to view within seconds of taking it. That's the latest toy I've been playing with my iPhone.

The app I've been playing with lately is by Brightkite. I'll admit, the name is dumb, but it has some possibilities of being handy. Maybe handy is a bit of a stretch, because the most useful application I can think of at the moment for this is if I were to get kidnapped, my first thought would be to locate myself! If I ever go missing, Here's my Status.

Since I don't find that scenario very likely, I'm going to attempt to keep it updated with my current adventures, however unexciting. In my previous blog I was complaining about not keeping track of my gym visits, well one of my first uses of Brightkite was tagging my last visit. My Friendfeed does pull in anything I post to Brightkite, but provided I find myself using it, I'll probably add a "Find Ace" link over on the right. I'll be at the gym at noon, follow me there, if you want.

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