Sunday, January 4, 2009

10 Years in 2 Months (What's My Age Again?)


Happy New Year! Mine actually started two months ago with the Quest for Abs, so I'm way ahead of schedule! I'm happy to report that in two months time, I erased ten years of fast food, steak, Maui desserts, BW3 wings, steak (what can I say, I like steak), and the all important coach potato syndrome to get to the same weight I was at age 23. That puts the total loss at 8% (I'll round this time) so far. I've always said I've been 23 for 10 years now, well, now in a way I am!

Still have a ways to go, I see ab outlines, but none are showing yet. Well, goal #1 was just getting to 160 again. Now, it's continuing on the quest to find abs. I had abs at 18, so maybe by the end of this month the little buggers with show up! At this point, I'm not sure how much more weight I can drop, it's now more about adding muscle. My next goal will be when my birthday roles around, I want to be able to say I'm in the best shape of my life, you know the cliche. The sad part is I'm probably already there, but only my blog will know this, I won't tell myself that!

My reward for sticking with my exercise program for two months, a brand new gym membership! When said like that, it really doesn't sound exciting and really it means only more work, but ultimately the fun will come with the results. My first day was actually the first day of the New Year. It was a long process deciding which gym to choose, but the decision was made on which one had the best weight equipment, since that will primarily where my next goal will be. Yesterday, I even attended my first class at the gym. It was 55 minutes of something called body pump (far shorter then my name for it, which included about ten four-letter words). During the workout, it didn't seem fun at all, but now I can say it was fun and will be a nice change up in the workout routine. At the moment, it seems like only my finger muscles aren't sore, making it possible to write this! No pain, no gain!

So, What's My Age Again (which happens to be one of my favorite songs)? I'm 23.

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