Monday, June 16, 2008

Third Dive Class


Time flies when you are having fun. It seems like class just started, yet it's already at the half-way point. Tomorrow's project is figuring out if I'm reading the correct material for the class. I spent the day reading about the dive tables, but the lecture tonight was more like basic science. My first issue is trying to figure why my "homework" doesn't match up with the lecture. The second, is wondering if it's really necessary to go over how the moon effects waves or how visibility is changed by the position of the sun. All things I probably learned in third grade science. Last week it was trying not to think about a collapsed lung, this week was spent remembering back to childhood to when I really learned these things. I suppose the good thing, I probably read next week's lecture this week and I avoided rereading something I did 25 years ago.

We finally got out all the toys tonight for the pool work. After learning how to put all the equipment together, then the drills started. If your regulator isn't in your mouth, then you have big problems, so we learned a couple of ways to locate it and get it back in our mouth. For when that big fish knocks your mask off, it was a check to make sure we didn't freak without our mask off, then making sure we could put it on and clear it. The last set of skills, probably really aren't that important for me to know, but these are the one Becca should have been around for...various drags to pull your buddy to safety when his leg (make that knee) goes out.

No games this week. We finished up just playing around with our stuff. I attempted to enter a Zen like state, hovering a foot or so off the bottom. I was surprised at how difficult it was. I mean, I could do it, but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. A single full breath of air would start sending me to the surface, a deep exhale, off too the bottom I went. I suppose you have to expect that when you are playing around in a 12 foot pool.

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