Sunday, May 3, 2015

Unlucky 13

Never really questioned the luckiest of a number before. Sure, I have favorite numbers, some that I prefer more than others, but definitely didn't stress over them, especially the traditional scary ones. Heck, I'd stay on the 13th floor of a hotel. Simply naming the 13th floor the 14th floor, doesn't change a thing, does it? That's further proof how silly people take it, right? While I still don't put much thought into it, Marathon 13 is looming.

The Marathon that beats me every year, stands directly before me. Marathons take heart to run. This year, my heart is heavy with personal turmoil. This course is an awful challenge when everything is working, let alone trying with heartache. Gave it a try, but couldn't do it, what little heart I had working today, couldn't carry me the distance I needed. Much different blog this time around, not going to detail how it went or where it went wrong, just that it did. Goes in the books as my worst Marathon ever.

Do I believe that being the number thirteen had anything to do with it? Nope. Am I glad it's over and I won't see that number again? Yup.

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